Saturday, November 5, 2011

BEN & JERRY'S (Blog #2)

 Ben & Jerry's Labeling

Check out this commercial! 

Everything about Ben & Jerry's is fun!  Their logo is easy to recognize and the images associated with the company are cheerful and graphically interesting. Who wouldn't smile when seeing the image of a cow in a green pasture with the blue sky and puffy clouds? The font is recognizable no matter where it is seen an the associated art work feels familiar as it is a cross between a children's coloring book and an Andy Warhol poster. Large, bright, inviting and clearly designed to invite the viewer "in."

When I look at the frozen treats in the grocery store, I have a dizzying array of choices. Why do I choose Ben & Jerry's? Quirky and unique flavors, a design that draws my eye to their product in the store, an understanding of their political stance, and a happy feeling that matches my joy when I open the container.

The packaging is consistent and recognizable. The size and shape of the pint containers are the same for all their products, the letters, through the use of their trademark font, are obviously Ben & Jerry's. The label design for the ice cream containers and promotional material have a unified feel that leads consumers to a high level of comfort, whether purchasing a familiar Ben & Jerry's product or when trying a new flavor. Additionally, the company uses unique packaging, Econo-Pint, a product made from unbleached and biodegradable paper. 

I can relate to Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, two fun-loving men with a joy for life and a taste for success. In just a few short years they built an ice cream empire. Along the way they made great friends of famous people, showed an interest and responsiveness to the consumer, created an organization with a conscience at its core, and became the employer of choice for thousands of Vermont citizens and eventually people all around the world.

Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Macademia Ice Cream Commercial    

A major part of their success has been their enjoyment of life and their desire to have everyone connected with their company and products feel the same way. Therefore, it is understandable that their products, and everything related to the company, reflect the men's child-like playfulness. They not only "talk the talk," they "walk the walk." Ben & Jerry's promotes its philosophical view through its corporate attitude, philanthropic contributions, web site design, logo and images. 

Check out their "Fun" page and play a game! 

Ben & Jerry's seems to be a company true to its roots, genuine in its approach, and unique in its willingness to live by a moral compass that includes a humane and genuinely fun approach to work and life. When I think about Ben & Jerry's, and when I see their logo and graphics, I HAVE to smile. Ice cream, frozen treats in general, make me smile. But, Ben & Jerry's, through their labeling, has found a way to make their customers feel the same way that I do. If my reaction and observations are anything to go on, the thought put into their packaging is persuasive. 

Ben & Jerry's is a company that emphasizes basic down-to-earth connections that give us all a feeling of trust. The organization has integrity and its products seem to reflect that value. Ben & Jerry's strength is in fostering the universal, "feel good feeling" in the customer through the positive image projected by everything associated with the company. 



  1. Well done Anne!
    Who doesn't love Ben & Jerry's? The names are quirky, the packaging cheerful, and the flavors are amazing. I also appreciate B&J's conscious use of fair trade and their support of local initiatives. Their commercial's are also terrific.Bravo!

  2. I like Ben & Jerry's, more so after doing the Factory Tour in Waterbury, VT (the free sample definitely contributed!), and seeing the Flavor Graveyard.

    They're serious with what they do, yet they definitely have a sense of humor (as reflected in their ice cream flavor names, their website and yes, that crazy Flavor Graveyard). I give them brownie points for their social activism as well.

  3. Well done indeed Anne!

    I'm still waiting to taste the hunks in their pints of delicious ice cream. Maybe its because I'm too overwhelmed by the natural authentic texture and flavor of its content.
